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HNA geschaeftsfuehrung


ISO9001-2015 certificate June 2022: Successful Re-certification - ISO 9001:2015

In June 2022 GPZ Holding GmbH successfully passed the 5th re-certification audit of the quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The audit was carried out by DEKRA. Only a well-organized company whose operational processes are thoroughly structured and “lived” on a daily basis can be successful on the market and guarantee the quality of its services which results in a long-term improvement of customer satisfaction.

DEKRA certified that the high requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 have been successfully maintained in our quality management system. The auditor was able to see that the defined regulations have been introduced and the described processes are being implemented in all areas of the company. Since there is always room for improvement, we will continue to optimize our operational processes in the future in order to maintain a lasting relationship between our company and our customers and employees and to ensure long-term success.

The new certificate is valid until 2024 and is available in our Download area.

ISO9001-2015 certificate June 2019: Successful Re-certification - ISO 9001:2015

In June 2019 GPZ Holding GmbH successfully passed the 4th re-certification audit of the quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The audit was carried out by DEKRA. Only a well-organized company whose operational processes are thoroughly structured and “lived” on a daily basis can be successful on the market and guarantee the quality of its services which results in a long-term improvement of customer satisfaction.

DEKRA certified that the high requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 have been successfully maintained in our quality management system. The auditor was able to see that the defined regulations have been introduced and the described processes are being implemented in all areas of the company. Since there is always room for improvement, we will continue to optimize our operational processes in the future in order to maintain a lasting relationship between our company and our customers and employees and to ensure long-term success.

The new certificate is valid until 2022 and is available in our Download area.

ISO9001-2015 certificate EN small Mai 2017: Successful Re-certification - ISO 9001:2015

In Mai 2017 HNA Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH successfully passed the 3rd re-certification audit of the quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The audit was carried out by DEKRA. Only a well-organized company whose operational processes are thoroughly structured and “lived” on a daily basis can be successful on the market and guarantee the quality of its services which results in a long-term improvement of customer satisfaction.

DEKRA certified that the high requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 have been successfully maintained in our quality management system. The auditor was able to see that the defined regulations have been introduced and the described processes are being implemented in all areas of the company. Since there is always room for improvement, we will continue to optimize our operational processes in the future in order to maintain a lasting relationship between our company and our customers and employees and to ensure long-term success.

ISO9001 certificate EN small Dezember 2016: Successful Re-certification - ISO 9001:2008

In December 2016 HNA Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH successfully passed the 2nd re-certification audit of the quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The audit was carried out by TÜV Hessen. Only a well-organized company whose operational processes are thoroughly structured and “lived” on a daily basis can be successful on the market and guarantee the quality of its services which results in a long-term improvement of customer satisfaction.

TÜV Hessen once again certified that the high requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 have been successfully maintained in our quality management system. During the two-day audit, the auditor was able to see that the defined regulations have been introduced and the described processes are being implemented in all areas of the company. Since there is always room for improvement, we will continue to optimize our operational processes in the future in order to maintain a lasting relationship between our company and our customers and employees and to ensure long-term success.

160101 AEB-HNA December 2015: New company logo and corporate design

In December 2015 the company logo and corporate design was adjusted to the GPZ Holding GmbH. The company was renamed as HNA Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH.

Logo GPZ Holding GmbH

June 2015: Transfer of 100% of shares to GPZ Holding GmbH with registered seat in Cologne

Effective June 1, 2015, Hydraulik Nord GmbH has sold and transferred its shares of HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH to GPZ Holding GmbH with registered seat in Cologne.

GPZ Holding GmbH is a medium-sized group of companies providing technical services. Through its subsidiaries, the group's services range from planning, construction and production to maintenance, repair and assembly of production facilities. It caters to the pharmaceutical industry, the petrochemical sector, the foods, drinks and tobacco industry, plastic and paint manufacturing, power and waste-incinerating plants as well as the metal producing and processing industries.

Through the acquisition of HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH's shares, GPZ Holding GmbH can supplement and expand its business activities and service portfolio to include assembly services for the timber and wood products industry, the recycling industry, logistics companies as well as for the cement and building materials industries and other sectors.

3305 Briefbogen HNP Streifen3 Our Russian subsidiary, OOO Industrie-Montagen Vostok based in St. Petersburg, has been commissioned with the mechanical and electrical installation of a wet electro filter for the particle board production plant of OOO IKEA Industry Novgorod, Novgorod / Russian Federation.

OOO Industrie-Montagen Vostok will be carrying out this project from July to October 2013 in cooperation with German management and the machine supplier (EWK Umwelttechnik GmbH, Kaiserslautern / Germany).

3305 Briefbogen HNP Streifen3 April 1, 2013: Restructuring of OOO Industrie-Montagen Vostok complete

In order to meet the needs of the Russian market even better we implemented thorough restructuring measures in our Russian subsidiary at the beginning of 2013.

As of April 1, 2013 Mr. Steffen Neumann has been in charge of business operations of OOO Industrie-Montagen Vostok on location as Technical Manager.

OOO Industrie-Montagen Vostok has expanded its portfolio of goods and services, cooperating with various business partners and is now able to assists its clients, in addition to pure assembly services, in the areas of transport, customs formalities, logistics and packing as well as project planning, building services engineering, order-related manufacture of small parts and storage of spare parts. The company has intensified its cooperation with its German parent company whose German specialists are able to provide assistance with calculation as well as construction and project management when needed.


December 2011: Successful Re-certification - ISO 9001:2008

In December 2011 HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH successfully passed the re-certification audit of the quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. The audit was carried out by TÜV Hessen. Only a well-organized company whose operational processes are thoroughly structured and “lived” on a daily basis can be successful on the market and guarantee the quality of its services which results in a long-term improvement of customer satisfaction.

TÜV Hessen once again certified that the high requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 have been successfully maintained in our quality management system. During the two-day audit, the auditor was able to see that the defined regulations have been introduced and the described processes are being implemented in all areas of the company. Since there is always room for improvement, we will continue to optimize our operational processes in the future in order to maintain a lasting relationship between our company and our customers and employees and to ensure long-term success.


August 2011: First SCC – Monitoring Audit

Inspection passed with flying colors: In August 2011 our integrated workplace safety management system underwent an annual detailed inspection by TÜV Hessen (Association for Technical Inspection). During this first monitoring audit, which took place at one of our assembly sites, HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH was again certified by the auditor as having a very well-structured and comprehensible SGU management system. After successfully passing this audit, our company's existing SCC certification has been confirmed by TÜV Hessen.


September 2010: Certification according to SCC Rules (Safety Certificate Contractors)

In September 2010, TÜV Hessen certified our integrated workplace safety management system based on the requirements found in the SCC Rules. In addition to the already existing certification of our quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 held by HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH, we are now able to provide our customers with proof that we maintain an effective system for (workplace) safety, health and environmental protection (SGU) and thus meet the necessary quality and safety requirements. Particularly in sectors where safety plays a critical role, it is important to ensure that outside contractors meet the principals’ safety requirements in order to prevent accidents which would disrupt the production process and harm the reputation of the principal companies. After successful SCC certification and the issuance of the SCC certificate, companies which commission technical services with us can now be sure that our work does not increase the risk potential on their factory grounds and that we fulfill our contracts in a reliable and safe manner.


June 2010: Contract for a complete assembly of a fiber insulation board plant

HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH has been awarded a contract by Dieffenbacher GmbH & Co. KG (Eppingen) for the mechanical and electrical assembly of a fiber insulation board plant on the factory grounds of Holzwerke Gebr. Schneider GmbH in Eberhardzell. We will be fulfilling this contract from June to December 2010. We are especially proud to be able to carry out this project because the plant which will be assembled is a completely new development by the company Dieffenbacher and has never been constructed and assembled in this way.


April 2010: Issuance of a current license to carry out assembly work in Russia

Our Russian subsidiary, OOO Industrie-Montagen Vostok, has received the license to carry out assembly work issued by the independent chamber for assembly operations. Starting in 2010, this license replaces the previously required license for carrying out such work which OOO Industrie-Montagen Vostok had also been issued. The new license can be retrieved and viewed under www.srobsk.ru (register number 83). This enables OOO Industrie-Montagen Vostok to continue to conduct all disassembly, reassembly, and assembly work, as well as repair work, maintenance and service throughout the Russian Federation.



March 2010: Certification as a specialist firm according to the Water Management Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz - WHG)

In March 2010, HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH received certification as a specialist firm according to the Water Management Act (Wasserhaushaltsgesetz – WHG) by TÜV Süd (Association for Technical Inspection). This certification enables us to offer our services in new areas (such as in facilities for storage, filling, production, treatment and use of materials which are hazardous to water). According to the provisions of the Water Management Act, operators of such facilities are only allowed to hire specialist firms for installation, fitting, maintenance, repair and cleaning work.


Übersetzungen für Homepage und Firmenpräsentation (Stand: 23.09.2010)





September 2010: Zertifizierung nach dem SCC-Regelwerk (Sicherheits Certifikat Contraktoren)


Im September 2010 hat der TÜV Hessen unser integriertes Arbeitsschutz-Managementsystem auf Grundlage der Anforderungen des SCC-Regelwerkes zertifiziert. Neben der für die HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH bereits vorhandenen Zertifizierung unseres Qualitätsmanagementsystems gemäß DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 können wir unseren Kunden nun auch den Nachweis darüber liefern, dass wir ein wirksames System für (Arbeits-)Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umweltschutz (SGU) aufrecht erhalten und damit den geforderten Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsansprüchen genügen. Vor allem in sicherheitskritischen Branchen ist darauf zu achten, dass Fremdfirmen den sicherheitstechnischen Anforderungen der Auftraggeber entsprechen, um Unfälle zu vermeiden, die den Produktionsablauf stören und dem Image der Auftraggeber schaden. Unternehmen, die technische Dienstleistungen an uns vergeben, können mit der erfolgreich absolvierten SCC-Zertifizierung und der Ausstellung des entsprechenden SCC-Zertifikates sicher sein, dass unsere Tätigkeit nicht zu einer Erhöhung des Gefahrenpotentials auf dem eigenen Werksgelände führt und dass wir unsere Aufträge zuverlässig und sicher ausführen.



September 2010: Certification according to SCC Rules (Safety Certificate Contractors)


In September 2010, TÜV Hessen certified our integrated workplace safety management system based on the requirements found in the SCC Rules. In addition to the already existing certification of our quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 held by HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH, we are now able to provide our customers with proof that we maintain an effective system for (workplace) safety, health and environmental protection (SGU) and thus meet the necessary quality and safety requirements. Particularly in sectors where safety plays a critical role, it is important to ensure that outside contractors meet the principals’safety requirements in order to prevent accidents which would disrupt the production process and harm the reputation of the principal companies. After successful SCC certification and the issuance of the SCC certificate, companies which commission technical services with us can now be sure that our work does not increase the risk potential on their factory grounds and that we fulfill our contracts in a reliable and safe manner.





Juni 2010: Auftrag zur Komplett-Montage einer Faserdämmplattenanlage

Die HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH hat von der Firma Dieffenbacher GmbH & Co. KG (Eppingen) den Auftrag zur mechanischen und elektrischen Montage einer Faserdämmplattenanlage auf dem Werksgelände der Holzwerke Gebr. Schneider GmbH in Eberhardzell erhalten. Der Auftrag wird von uns im Zeitraum vom Juni bis Dezember 2010 abgewickelt werden. Wir sind besonders stolz darauf, dieses Projekt bearbeiten zu dürfen, da es sich bei der zu installierenden Anlage um eine komplette Neuentwicklung der Firma Dieffenbacher handelt, die in dieser Art und Weise noch nicht gebaut und montiert wurde.



June 2010: Contract for a complete assembly of a fiber insulation board plant


HNP Anlagenbau & Industrie-Montagen GmbH has been awarded a contract by Dieffenbacher GmbH & Co. KG (Eppingen) for the mechanical and electrical assembly of a fiber insulation board plant on the factory grounds of Holzwerke Gebr. Schneider GmbH in Eberhardzell. We will be fulfilling this contract from June to December 2010. We are especially proud to be able to carry out this project because the plant which will be assembled is a completely new development by the company Dieffenbacher and has never been constructed and assembled in this way.






Zertifizierung unseres Arbeitsschutz-Managementsystems nach dem SCC-Regelwerk (Sicherheits-Certifikat-Contraktoren)


Unser integriertes Arbeitsschutz-Managementsystem ist durch den TÜV Hessen in Bezug auf die Anforderungen des SCC-Regelwerkes (Sicherheits Certifikat Contraktoren) zertifiziert. Das SCC-Zertifikat bescheinigt uns und unseren Kunden, dass wir ein wirksames System für (Arbeits-)Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umweltschutz (SGU) aufrecht erhalten und damit den geforderten Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsansprüchen genügen.



Certification of our workplace safety management system according to SCC Rules (Safety Certificate Contractors)


Our integrated workplace safety management system has been certified by TÜV Hessen according to the requirements of the SCC Rules (Safety Certificate Contractors). The SCC Certificate attests us and our customers that we maintain an effective system for (workplace) safety, health and environmental protection (SGU) and thus meet the necessary quality and safety requirements.






4. Sicherheit, Gesundheits- und Umweltschutz


· Umweltschutz, Gesundheitsmanagement und Sicherheit tragen dazu bei, die Gesundheit unserer Mitarbeiter und die materiellen Werte unseres Unternehmens dauerhaft zu schützen – dieses Bewusstsein wollen wir aktiv fördern

· Wir planen und führen unsere Dienstleistungen so aus, dass die Umwelt und die Gesundheit unserer Mitarbeiter geschützt sowie natürliche Ressourcen nachhaltig geschont werden

· Wir wollen Umweltbelastungen, Unfälle sowie arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen unserer Mitarbeiter vermeiden oder zumindest minimieren

· Wir gestalten unsere Arbeitsbedingungen so, dass die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Mitarbeiter, ihre Gesundheit, Motivation und Zufriedenheit gesichert sind - mögliche Gefährdungen werden frühzeitig identifiziert und auf das vertretbare Maß begrenzt

· Alle unsere Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter handeln im Sinne dieser Leitlinien und beachten die einschlägigen Vorschriften



4. Safety, health and environmental protection


· Environmental protection, health management and safety contribute to a long-lasting protection of our employees’ health and the material assets of our company – we want to actively increase this awareness

· We plan and execute our services in a manner that protects the environment and the health of our employees and conserves our natural resources sustainably

· We want to prevent or minimize environmental pollution, accidents and work-related illnesses of our employees

· We create our work conditions in a way which ensures our employees’ productivity, their health, motivation and satisfaction – possible threats are identified early on and kept within acceptable limits

· Our entire management and staff work with these guidelines in mind and follow all relevant regulations


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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.